Electric Conduit Construction (ECC) has broad experience with Intelligent Transportation Systems. As this area of technology expands ECC will grow with it to meet our customer’s needs. Our expertise with directional drilling and overhead utility work enables us to upgrade existing roads and highways with minimal disruption to traffic. Fiber optic networks allow for the connection of multiple data sensors for dynamic signage, video surveillance cameras, environmental data, traffic data and lighting. Road operation centers, applying this data can smooth traffic flow and give drivers advance warning of slowdowns or other road hazards. As roads and vehicles become more connected, individualized data streams can inform drivers of services available such as charging stations for EV’s. ECC is proud to play a part in building this infrastructure and maintaining it into the future.

Traffic signal cabinet

Laying 2000' of power & fiber

Setting a light pole
ITS Customers we serve:
- Cities
- Counties
- State DOT
- Tollways
- Villages
- Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan Wisconsin
ECC ITS capabilities:
- Traffic signals, induction loop monitoring systems
- Street, interchange, roundabout lighting
- Remote control lighting systems
- Traffic video surveillance systems
- Video vehicle detection
- Bluetooth detection systems
- Rada detection systems
- Emergency vehicle notification systems
- Passive and dynamic signage
- Electric vehicle charging stations Tollway, highway and street lighting.
Electric power and fiber installed by
- Open cut
- Horizontal Directional Drilling HGG
- Conduit placement and cable or fiber pulling
- Fiber splicing, testing and termination.
- Civil work, concrete forms, piers, footers and sonotubes
- Restoration grading, seeding, soft surface or hard.
Permit and Project Management:
- Project estimation, budgetary estimates,
- Complete project management, logistics management
- Road, traffic controls and construction permit services
- Project documentation
- Project restoration
Emergency call-out and maintenance:
- 24 hour emergency service for fiber, lighting, road sensors, traffic signals
- Maintenance programs for lighting, sensors, and traffic signals
We welcome your bid requests and RFP’s. Please click on Request a Project and one of our Project Managers with be in contact with you, or call Carl Oko at 630-360-7903.