AED's - A Life Saver
Automated External Defibrilators (AED's) are highly automated, easy to use and relatively inexpensive. Electric Conduit Construction elected to deploy these devices and train crews on their use along with CPR training. AED's can save a life. It is a piece of equipment no one wants to use, until they have to use it.
09 Jan 2024
Moving 85 foot light poles - carefully!
During tollway construction things change. Like the alignment of storm sewers. One thing leads to another and before you know it that 85 foot tall temporary light pole has to be moved 10 feet to a new location
04 Oct 2023
Joint RNG - FIBER - WATER - FUEL GAS project completed by Electric Conduit Construction and Midwestern Contractors
ECC is proud to be a part of the move to renewable fuels and played a big part in this RNG project by installing fiber in the joint trench, and building the 2,700' connection to bring distribution power to the gas processing plant.
19 Sep 2023
Connecting 1.3 mw of Renewable Energy to the Grid
Every year solar energy will provide power to the grid. While the increase may be incremental, it will add up over time. Electric Conduit Construction (ECC) built the infrastructure to connect 1.3 mw of renewable power to the grid.
10 Jul 2023
Crown Castle 2023 Safety Award Given to Electric Conduit Construction
14 Jun 2023
The Value of Safety Audits
Safety audits help managers and crews in the battle against complacency and normalization of deviance. Human nature leans towards shortcuts. In the construction industry this tendency can lead to injury or death. the safety audit is a vital tool.
23 Mar 2023
Workforce Development
Training for a job is one thing. Getting a job is another. At Electric Conduit Construction we take workforce development seriously, We train, then hire. More work means more hires and more lives turned around.
23 Feb 2023
Electric Conduit Construction Supports Camp One Step
Camp One Step plays a big role in the lives of children and their families as they transition from surviving a disease to living life to the fullest. Electric Conduit Construction is a proud supporter.
24 Jan 2023
Constructing Under a Time Constraint
Traffic control on a 48 hour job to remove a light pole and foundation, and replace it with a new one to support a 5G cellular antenna and radio system.
30 Nov 2022
5g LTE Upgrades
4g - 4g LTE - 4g ++ -5g E These are all advanced LTE networks that bring faster speed and better performance to your mobile phone. Electric Conduit Construction installs the equipment and infrastructure to make it all work for you.
19 Sep 2022
El Valor Golf Outing
El Valor, 'Courage', and for families in Chicago raising children with disabilities El Valor is something they possess. Electric Conduit Construction is a proud sponsor of the El Valor Golf Event
15 Sep 2022
Fiber Optics for Chicago's Youth
This article appeared in the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce on March 29, 2022. It describes a program that helps young adults, from inner-city neighborhoods, find careers in the trades and develop skills that will support them for a lifetime.
08 Sep 2022
Project Request